Investing Responsibly


Governance means that our Firm’s and our investors’ interests are accountable, transparent and aligned

We have internal guidelines to manage conflicts of interest, taking into account our fund management obligations and fiduciary duties. Wherever we need to address conflicts, we do it with integrity, professionalism and in the best interest of our investors.

Each fund managed by SouthBridge Advisors also has an Investors’ Committee that discusses the fund’s investment strategy or performance and any potential or actual conflicts of interest.


Environmental and social issues play an increasingly important role in today’s business

We strongly believe that responsible investing does not contradict creation of superior returns and shareholder value for the investors of our Funds. To the contrary, we believe that sustainable shareholder value and growth can only be created by respecting and acknowledging the relevance of environmental and social factors.

SouthBridge Advisors is committed to Invest Europe and acts in accordance with Invest Europe’s Codes of Conduct, Corporate Governance Guidelines and Governing Principles.

Giving Back

We connect and engage with organizations that can make a difference.

We support charitable organisations in the markets we invest and operate, investing more than financial resources.

We provide support to charities and we encourage the individual philanthropic work of our team members by matching fundraising efforts of individual team members and supporting the charities sponsored by colleagues or companies having a close relationship with the Firm.

We engage with business and educational organizations that can make a high impact.

Organizations we work with are: Prolepsis Institute, Metadrasis, ELEPAP, Endeavor Greece, M.I.T. Enterprise Forum (MITEF) Greece, The Hellenic Initiative, Kessaris School, The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (School of Law), AIESEC Greece.


Regulation 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR) came into force on 10 March 2021.